How SREDscore works


1. Write your project description

  • ClickStart/Continue Project’. 
  • Enter your SR&ED info and project descriptions in the easy to use online form, OR
  • Download an Excel worksheet via the toolbar to work offline and return later to check your work by uploading to SREDscore. 


SREDscore SR&ED project description



SR&ED feedback from SREDscore

2. Check & Correct

  • Check your content in real time using our Free 179-point check. (Tip: If you sign in or sign up you'll receive enhanced advice)
  • Correct your work online OR
  • Download an updated Excel worksheet from the "Next steps" column on the right to continue working offline



3. Claim with confidence!

  • Download your completed Excel worksheet from the "Next Steps" column on the right
  • Incorporate your verified project information into your SRED claim to give to your accountants or tax team to file with the CRA
  • Need extra help? Book a personal consultation with a SRED expert online.


SR&ED claim submission using SREDscore

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